Fathers around the world develop traditions with their sons to develop a strong bond with them. While some take their sons to sports games and events, others prefer more quitter activities like taking the boat out over the lake for some father-son fishing time.
However, when it comes to celebrities, these traditions take a wild turn, which is at least pretty evident in the way Will Smith has bonded with his son Trey.

Father And Son At The Grand Prix
Apparently, when the time came to participate in an activity with his son, actor Will Smith could not figure out any better way to do that than to compete with Trey in a race car competition. And it was not any ordinary race track. It was the same race track which was to be used in the prestigious Formula One racing event in Abu Dhabi called the Grand Prix.
Smith took Trey along with him to the Grand Prix event as part of Will Smith’s Bucket List: Race Car Driving, a web series that is broadcast on Facebook Watch. They had essentially been invited by the event organizers to wave the official flag. Considering the fact that Trey has an obsession when it comes to cars, Smith thought it best to have his son come with him to the event.

A Friendly Match
As an additional benefit of attending the event, both father and son got the opportunity to try out their own drifting skills with some of the best racers in the world, which helped them prepare for a friendly father-son match that was to follow.
As a way of intimidating one another before the race, both Trey and Will showcased their confidence through their words, with the former claiming to be an extension of both the car and the track during a race while the latter reassuring his son that, no matter the outcome of the race, both of them will emerge as winners even if Will’s score was much higher.
Reportedly, Jaden, Smith’s younger son, was also present at the event to act as the judge, and he told both his father and his elder half-brother to focus on the game and participate in the most professional manner possible.

Winning Trey
It was Trey who took the first turn and he raced around the track for a total of three laps, after which Smith did the same. At the conclusion of his final lap, Smith inquired whether he had beaten his son’s time, and the answer was in the negative. While Smith had completed all three laps in 40.002 seconds, Trey had been able to do the same in 39.950.
But then, in the video that was shared, Smith revealed that racing on an actual track was not actually on his bucket list, but just a way for him to spend more time with Trey. For those who don’t know, Trey is Will’s son from his previous marriage which ended back in 1995, although on good terms.